This is the final post in a series about creating your own ANKI SRS card deck for learning a foreign language.
This year I wrote about a method to create ANKI flash card data, using google Spreadsheet and some scripting to pick up mp3s from google translate. I found it an effective way to study vocabulary for Chinese, and particularly listening for new words as it embeds the voices to words as well.
Recently I developed an app to take care of the scripting parts of the tutorial. It works on windows and mac. Here is a video showing its use.
By using this app you can create your own ANKI Card structures that can aid to your own learning.
One example is I sometimes study on the train or whilst walking, but I cant look at the screen. In that case I build a Flashcard deck that consists of English and Chinese sounds only.
REQUIREMENTS:: this app requires MONO runtime to work
I haven’t made an install package yet so please grab this before running the app (if you don’t have MonoDevelop or Xamarin installed)
Card Generator MAC – Mono run time for mac – The CardGenerator app.
Card Generator WINDOWS – The mono runtime – the CardGenerator App. Please unzip and then run the application file (CardGenerator3.exe) from the folder inside
Available at for those who are interested.
If you have any suggestions or feedback, please let me know.
This app was developed using C# in GTK# / mono with Xamarin IDE. It took about 80 hrs to develop. It uses a standard SQLite database file for storage and connects to google translate to obtain the mp3s. The decision for this platform was because I wanted to use a managed code system for quick development and have multi-platform capability too.
#1 by Quadrifoglio17 at February 8th, 2014
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2014 – I have download the software for windows (I use Xp sp3 32bit), installed the runtime and extracted the program. But it can’t start and end immedialtely with a fatal error. Someone can help me?
#2 by Robbie at July 26th, 2014
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This sounds like a brilliant idea, but your program doesn’t run on my computer, a Windows 8.1 PC. I downloaded and installed Mono, and then downloaded your zip file, which I unzipped. I then ran the executable. It changes the mouse cursor to the busy cursor for a while, but doesn’t open any window.
Is there any way to diagnose this?
BTW, your youtube video has been taken down! Do you know why?
#3 by martinogg at July 31st, 2014
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Thanks for taking a look at the app! I’m sorry its not working on your machines. Truth be told, most people seem to be having difficulties installing and running the software and even when it worked, I found people thought the process of creating ANKI files is quite difficult. As a result I have pretty much abandoned work on the desktop app.
However, this has become more of a full-time thing for me, and I am now working on mobile apps (iPhone and Android) to help study languages.
There is a feature inside to create your own language sets with a range of languages. I hope this might be of use to you instead.
Currently I use this to study Japanese and Chinese.